Indonesian Brachyuran Crabs

This page links to photos of Brachyuran crabs we have seen during several trips to Indonesia, particularly the island of Bali. Many of our species remain unidentified and many names we provide are uncertain. Much of crab taxonomy depends upon close examination of the numerous appendages, something that is not easily done through in situ photographs of the living animal. We welcome corrections or suggestions at The Brachyurans constitute the larger of the two main groups of crabs. The other group. the Anomurans, consisting of hermit crabs, porcelain crabs and squat lobsters, are covered elsewhere on this site. Like the Anomurans, we show only a small sampling of the Brachyuran species known from Indonesia.

Measurements were not taken in the field and animals were not collected, so any sizes given are very rough eyeball estimates often based on distant memories, and are provided only as a general guideline of what to look for. Unless otherwise noted, our crab measurements are estimated widths of the carapace, not including the appendages, which may be much longer.

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Drachiella angulata


These are the box crabs. They live in sandy areas, buried by day and often out on top of the sand at night. Powerful pincers are used to break up mollusk shells.

Calappa bicornis

Calappa calappa

Calappa cf gallus

Calappa cf gallus

Calappa hepatica

Calappa liaoi

Calappa torulosa

Cycloes granulosa


Carpilius convexus


Dorippe frascone


The rear pair of legs of dromiid crabs is situated so that they can be used to hold something over the crab's shell, often a sponge but sometimes tunicates, clumps of soft coral, algae or any other item that may help to shield the crab from predators. Because there are numerous species in the family and details of the crab are difficult to observe, most of our identifications are tentative.

Cryptodromia? sp. 1

Dromidiopsis cf australiensis

Dromidiopsis cf australiensis

Dromidiopsis cf tridentata

Lewindromia cf unidentata

Tumidodromia? sp. 1

Tumidodromia sp. 2

Dromiidae sp. 1

Dromiidae sp. 2

Dromiidae sp. 3

Dromiidae sp. 4

Dromiidae sp. 5


Hoplophrys oatesii

Huenia brevifrons

Huenia brevifrons

Huenia heraldica

Huenia pacifica

Huenia sp. 1

Huenia? sp. 2

Huenia sp. 3

Hyastenus auctus

Hyastenus uncifer

Hyastenus cf uncifer

Hyastenus? sp. 1

Hyastenus? sp. 1

Hyastenus? sp. 2

Hyastenus sp. 3

Menaethius orientalis

Menaethius orientalis

Naxioides taurus

Phalangipus hystrix

Tylocarcinus sp. 1

Xenocarcinus conicus

Xenocarcinus depressus

Xenocarcinus cf depressus 1

Xenocarcinus cf depressus 2

Xenocarcinus tuberculatus

Xenocarcinus cf tuberculatus

Epialtidae sp. 1

Epialtidae sp. 2

Epialtidae sp. 3

Epialtidae sp. 4

Epialtidae? sp. 5

Epialtidae? sp. 6

Epialtidae? sp. 7


Trigonoplax unguiformis


Many of these IDs are highly uncertain, particularly among the Achaeus and Oncinopus species.

Achaeus spinosus

Achaeus sp. 1

Achaeus sp. 2

Achaeus sp. 3

Achaeus sp. 4

Achaeus sp. 5

Achaeus sp. 6

Camposcia retusa

Trichoplatus? sp. 1

Trichoplatus? sp. 2

Oncinopus sp. 1

Oncinopus sp. 2

Oncinopus sp. 3

Oncinopus sp. 4

Oncinopus sp. 5

Inachidae? sp. 1

Inachidae sp. 2


Alox naispela

Heterolithadia fallax

Heteronucia perlata

Leucosia anatum

Leucosia craniolaris

Leucosia sp. 1

Myra curtimana

Nucia speciosa

Raylilia uenoi

Urnalanaa elata

Urnalana purarensis

Urnalana sp. 1

Urnalana sp. 2

Urnalana sp. 3


Macrophthalmus milloti


Micippa sp. 1


Pleistacantha sp. 1


Aulacolambrus hoplonotus

Cryptopodia dorsalis

Lambrachaeus ramifer

Parthenope longimanus

Parthenopidae sp. 1

Parthenopidae? sp. 2


Percnon guinotae

Percnon sinense


Echinoecus pentagonus

Harrovia albolineata

Harrovia albolineata

Harrovia elegans

Tiaramedon spinosum

Zebrida adamsii


Plagusia immaculata


Swimming crabs.

Caphyra sp. 1

Carupa tenuipes

Charybdis amboinensis

Charybdis granulata

Charybdis natator

Goniosupradens acutifrons

Lissocarcinus laevis

Lupocycloporus sp. 1

Lupocyclus philippinensis

Lupocyclus quinquidentatus

Lupocyclus rotundatus

Lupocyclus sp. 1

Monomia? sp.

Portunus sanguinolentus

Thalamita coeruleipes

Thalamita prymna

Thalamita? sp. 1

Thalamita? sp. 2

Xiphonectes iranjae

Xiphonectes sp. 1

Portunidae sp. 1

Portunidae sp. 2


Quadrella boopsis

Quadrella coronata

Quadrella cf coronata

Quadrella? sp. 1

Trapezia cymodoce

Trapezia rufopunctata

Trapezia septata


Atergatis floridus

Bruciana cf pediger

Calvactaea tumida

Demania cultripes

Etisus cf anaglyptus

Gaillardiellus? sp. 1

Liomera monticulosa

Liomera sp. 1

Lophozozymus pictor

Lophozozymus pulchellus

Lybia caestifera

Lybia tessellata

Zosimus maculatus

Xanthidae sp. 1

Xanthidae sp. 2

Family uncertain

Crab sp. 1

Crab sp. 2

We thank the knowledgeable people in the Facebook Crustacean Identification Group for suggestions on several of these species.

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