California Shells, Sea Snails and Chitons

This page links to some of the living seashells we saw and photographed in California, mostly around the Channel Islands off Ventura and Santa Barbara. This page includes shelled gastropods; nudibranchs and their relatives are figured on another page. This is just a small sample of the species present in the area. Shells were generally not measured in the field, so any sizes given are estimates.

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Buccinidae - whelks

Kelletia kelletii

Bursidae - frog shells

Crossata californica

Calliostomatidae - top shells

Calliiostoma annulatum

Calliostoma cf supragranosum

Columbellidae - dove shells

Columbellidae spp.

Conidae - cones

Californiconus californicus

Cypraeidae - cowries

Neobernaya spadicea


Cystiscidae sp. 1

Epitoniidae - wentletraps

Epitonium tinctum


Hespererato vitellina

Fasciolariidae - spindle shells

Hesperaptyxis luteopictus

Fasciolariidae sp.

Fissurellidae - keyhole limpets

Megathura crenulata


Granulina margaritula

Haliotidae - abalone

Haliotis corrugata

Haliotis fulgens

Marginellidae - marginellid shells

Volvarina taeniolata

Mitridae - miter shells

Atrimitra idae

Muricidae - murexes

Babelomurex oldroydi

Ceratostoma foliatum

Ceratostoma nuttalli

Maxwellia gemma

Maxwellia santarosana

Paciocinebrina foveolata

Pteropurpura festiva

Pteropurpura macroptera

Pteropurpura trialata

Pteropurpura vokesae

Naticidae - moon snails

Glossaulax reclusiana

Olividae - olives

Callianax biplicata

Ovulidae - false cowries

Simnia arcuata

Simnia sp. 1


Megasurcula stearnsiana


Norrisia norrisii

Tegula funebralis

Tegula regina

Terebridae - augers

Neoterebra pedroana


Triphora catalinensis

Triviidae - trivias

Pseudopusula californiana

Pusula solandri

Turbinidae - turban shells

Megastraea undosa


Lamellaria diegoensis

Vermetidae - worm snails

Thylacodes squamigerus


Callistochiton crassicostatus

Callistochiton palmulatus

Lepidozona clathrata

Lepidozona mertensii

Lepidozona pectinulata

Nuttallina californica

Oldroydia percrassa

Stenoplax heathiana

Tonicella lokii

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