Spatula clypeata (Linnaeus, 1758)
Northern Shoveler
Marshallese: "rõn"

The Northern Shoveler is considered an "uncommon migrant" at Kwajalein Clapp (1990). The webmaster saw it only once, the pair figured below from March, 2012, next to the rain-filled trench that runs along the lagoon side of the runway.

Christina Sylvester spotted another pair, along with a Tufted Duck (Aythya fulgula) and four Northern Pintails (Anas acuta) in one of the fresh water tanks on Kwajalein Island in December, 2018.

Getting your ducks in a row. Christina's photo below shows the two Northern Shovelers flanking a Tufted Duck.

More shots of the Northern Shovelers by Christina Sylvester. Looks like the male is starting to change his feathers.

Created 24 January 2018
Updated 15 February 2019

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