Lomanotus sp. b074

We saw these at several sites at Tulamben, including a small group of them on a hydroid at Seraya. They were most numerous on our November 2015 trip. These may or may not all be the same species. In the Marshall Islands, it seems to come in various color forms. There we have found Lomanotus nudibranchs on only two occasions, each time three nudibranchs on a single hydroid, and each time all three individuals on the same hydroid had widely different colors. So despite the different colors of the specimens from Bali below, we do not know of any good way to divide them up. This is another group that could use a comparison of the DNA.

A very poor video capture of two very differently colored individuals on the same hydroid.

Created 26 December 2012
Updated 7 July 2024

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