Sagaminopteron psychedelicum Carlson & Hoff, 1974

This is an animal you cannot mistake for any other. Its wild pattern of green, orange, and black makes appropriate the psychedelic reference in its species name. We have seen about more than a dozen specimens, all from Kwajalein Atoll. They have been found on lagoon and seaward reefs, usually under rocks. The first two shots show a specimen found on the Kwajalein Atoll seaward reef on 20 June 2004. Sagaminopteron psychedelicum was first reported in the Marshalls by Johnson & Boucher (1984).

The specimen in the next photo was found on the Kwajalein Atoll seaward reef crawling on gray sponge on 12 May 2008.

The next four photos show two specimens found on the Kwajalein Atoll seaward reef, crawling in algae over dead coral at a depth of about 4m on 16 February 2010.

The specimen below was on the Kwajalein Atoll seaward reef at a depth of 8m on 22 March 2010.

Created 27 January 2007
Updated 5 June 2010

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