Platydoris cruenta is rare in the Marshalls, known from six specimes from Kwajalein, Enewetak, and Ujelang Atolls. All of the animals figured below are from Kwajalein. Specimens were found under dead coral on lagoon reefs at depths ranging from the intertidal to 10 meters. Specimen measured 35 to about 75mm in length. The first photo below was taken by David Johnson, formerly of Kwajalein. The blotches of color on the dorsal surface can vary from orange to red, although only orange ones are figured here. Platydoris cruenta is very similar in shape and texture to P. cinerobranchiata, but differs in having brown lines dorsally instead of P. cinerobranchiata's fine sieve-like network of brown speckles. Rhinophores of P. cinerobranchiata are also a bit more brownish red. Still, we haven't seen a sufficient number of specimens to be certain that they are not simply two color forms of the same species. In fact, we saw (but do not have photographed) a specimen found at Kwajalein that exhibited characteristics of both P. cruenta and P. formosa. Platydoris cruenta was first reported in the Marshalls from Enewetak, Kwajalein and Ujelang Atolls by Johnson & Boucher (1984).
The specimen in the four photos below was found on an intertidal reef up near the middle of Kwajalein Atoll on approximately 24 May 2009.
Created 15 December 2006
Updated 30 May 2009