Sebadoris fragilis is known from the Marshalls from about a dozen specimens found at Kwajalein and Enewetak Atolls, although their relative scarcity is due more to lack of search effort in their habitat rather than rarity. They have been found in the lagoon under dead coral or aluminum storm debris, and rarely on the leeward seaward reef in ledges and caves at night. Several were found on one short search under concrete slabs dumped as shoreline reinforcement along central Kwajalein's lagoon shore at a depth of less than 1 meter at medium low tide. Although similar to our specimens of Discodoris lilacina, they differ from D. lilacina in typically being larger and having a more mottled pattern of gray often with two rows of dark patches and a middorsal row of white blotches. The first photo is a pair from Enewetak Atoll.
The photos below are of an approximately 80mm specimen from under the concrete slabs.
The underside has large brown spots.
The next few shots show a smaller individual than the Kwajalein specimens above, maybe 40mm in length.
The smaller brown spots are probably due to the smaller size of the nudibranch itself.
Created 15 December 2006
Updated 23 November 2021