Discodoris? sp. e581

This species is somewhat similar to what we are calling Discodoris coerulescens but differs in in its smaller size, more snow white coloration, narrower body, and lack of any kind of a marginal band. It is a bit similar to the original description of Discodoris ylva, but that was yellowish in color and it seems best to keep it as an unidentified species for now. In fact, it could be in another genus altogether. The first specimen (two photos) was found under dead coral on the seaward reef of Kwajalein Atoll, and it measured 10mm in length.

The next two shots show a specimen found 1 September 2008 that had undergone severe autotomization. It is missing most of its mantle margin and including its right rhinophore. The missing portions enable us to see the reproductive opening and fairly long oral tentacles.

Created 15 December 2006
Updated 2 February 2022

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