This species is known from the Marshalls from about 10 specimens, one from Enewetak and the rest from Kwajalein. One was found on the windward seaward reef of Kwajalein Atoll at a depth of 3 meters in the groove and spur system of the atoll's outer reef. This area is extremely surgy most of the time. It is a wonder that this 11mm nudibranch would have the strength to hang on in the surge of the waves crashing above. Specimens are also figured as Tenellia sp. 7 in Gosliner et al (2018).
The 8-10mm specimen below was found by Christina Sylvester in one of the Kwajalein reef quarries around 22 March 2015. It was on a loose rock covered with hydroids, and it is possible it had been washed in from the shallow seaward reef during high surf the week before.
The specimen below was in a shallow ledge on a large Kwajalein midlagoon pinnacle at a depth of about 6m on 26 July 2015.
The tiny 4mm specimen below looks like it's missing part of its tail.
Created 8 January 2007
Updated 3 December 2018