Trapania scurra Gosliner & Fahey, 2008

Trapania scurra was first found in the Marshalls as a single specimen found under a rock on a Kwajalein Atoll lagoon pinnacle at a depth of about 5m on 19 February 2013. Subsequently, a number of specimens were observed by Christina Sylvester and others in shallow water along the lagoon side of Kwajalein Island. The Marshalls represents a considerable range extension from its known locations in Indonesia and the Philippines, and our specimens are just a bit different. Ours tend towards more white with thinner lines enclosing the white, roughly round, less pustular areas of the dorsum, and the dorsolateral processes are a bit brighter red. The animal measured 11mm stretched out.

Here is one of Christina Sylvester's photos from the lagoon side of Kwajalein Island.

Created 20 February 2013
Updated 9 October 2021

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