Pterynotus martinetanus (Röding, 1798)
martinetanus is rare in the Marshalls. Specimens have been found under
rocks or in caves at night on lagoon pinnacles and the seaward reef, at depths
from about 10 to 40m. There appear to be two distinct forms, both illustrated
in the photos below. One form is lighter in color and appears to have a slightly
wider shell with less distinct outer lip fronding (first photo). The other is
distinctly orange-red and in the adult has more distinct out lip fronds. A genetic
comparison between the two would be interesting. We previously had this in the
genus Pterymarchia.
A slightly young orange specimen
has less distinct fronding.
The animal is similar in color
pattern to Pterynotus
bipinnatus and Pterynotus
elongatus, but not to Pterynotus
A more encrusted specimen from
R-buoy pinnacle at night on 8 October 2016.
Created 1 October 2010
Updated 16 March 2020
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