Anilao Anomuran Crabs (minus hermits)

This page links to photos of Anomuran crabs other than hermit crabs we have seen on several dive trips to Anilao in the Philippines. The hermits are on a separate page. It is by no means a complete list, just the species we happened to photograph. Some of our IDs are uncertain and we welcome corrections at


Aliaporcellana spongicola

Allogalathea babai

Allogalathea elegans

Allogalathea cf elegans

Galathea balssi

Galathea tanegashimae

Lauriea siagiani

Sadayoshia acroporae

Sadayoshia sp. 1

Galatheidae sp. 1

Galatheidae sp. 2

Galatheidae sp. 3

Galatheidae sp. 4

Galatheidae sp. 5

Galatheidae sp. 6

Galatheidae sp. 7


Lissoporcellana nakasonei

Lissoporcellana nakasonei

Lissoporcellana quadrilobata

Lissoporcellana sp. 1

Lissoporcellana sp. 2

Neopetrolisthes maculatus

Neopetrolisthes maculatus

Pachycheles sp. 2

Porcellanella haigae

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