Lybia edmondsoni is an endemic Hawaiian species related to the widespread Lybia tessellata. Like L. tessellata, it carries around a small sea anemone, usually a juvenile Triactis producta, in each claw, making it resemble a miniature cheerleader with pompoms. It is commonly called either the pompom crab or boxer crab (with anemone boxing gloves). They usually hide under rocks, but when exposed will wave the anemones above itself, possibly to use the stinging cells of the anemones to try to ward off predators. It has also been shown that they use the sticky anemone tentacles to sweep up food particles, which they can then eat.
Carrying red eggs.
Held in a study tank, one of the crabs lost one of its anemones. It soon picked up a nudibranch (Hypselodoris imperialis) in its bare claw and carried it around for a couple of days, until both were released on the reef.
Created 12 September 2021