Nan Madol

Nan Madol is a complex of ancient ruins built from large and sometimes elongate basaltic blocks on a group of low-lying islands on the eastern edge of Pohnpei's main island. It is something of a mystery how the blocks were moved here. Basalt of this type is not found naturally in the near vicinity of Nan Madol; instead, it had to have come from one of a couple of spots on main island at some distance from the Nan Madol site. It would have been difficult or impossible to transport those blocks over the rugged terrain, then get them out to the network of islands where the city was built. Likewise, the blocks are so heavy and the reefs surrounding the islands so shallow that they could not have been floated into position on rafts. Some say it took magic.

The small boats wait for high tide to cross the shallow reefs to get to the Nan Madol landing.

Entering through the main gates.

One of the sights is said to be the King's burial chamber shown below.

How did they get those heavy basaltic blocks so high without the benefit of modern heavy equipment?

Another narrow chamber.

You can take kayaks and paddle through the maze of channels separating different sets of ruins and the encroaching jungle.

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