Bistolida kieneri (Hidalgo, 1906)
Kiener's cowry, 11mm

Bistolida kieneri is rare in the Marshall Islands. The few specimens observed have been on the leeward seaward reef under rocks in shallow water (1m) or in rubble pockets on the steep slope (20m). Like Bistolida hirundo, the shell is mostly bluish gray when fresh, but even dead empty shells tend to retain more of a bluish tint. The relatively coarse teeth extend most of the way across the base, except on the anterior columellar side, where they only barely extend out from the aperture. This species was named for 19th century French zoologist L.C. Kiener. The subspecies in the Marshalls is Bistolida kieneri schneideri.

11.05mm, 29 April 1990

There are live animal photos on our Solomon Islands and Bali pages.

Created 29 July 2010
Updated 23 February 2020

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