Marshall Islands Anomuran Crabs (minus hermits)

This page links to photos of Anomuran crabs other than hermit crabs we have seen in the Marshall Islands. The hermits are on a separate page. Some of our IDs are uncertain and we welcome corrections at


Chirostylus sandyi


Most of the unidentified galatheid crabs were listed as unknown species of Galathea, although it is possible some of them may belong to different genera.

Allogalathea babai

Allogalathea babai

Galathea aequata

Galathea aequata

Galathea balssi

Galathea bimaculata

Galathea mariae

Galathea cf parvula

Galathea pilosa

Galathea sp. 1

Galathea sp. 2

Galathea sp. 5

Galathea sp. 6

Galathea sp. 7

Galathea sp. 8

Galathea sp. 9

Galathea sp. 10

Galathea sp. 11

Galathea sp. 12

Galathea sp. 13


Neopetrolisthes maculatus

Neopetrolisthes sp. 1

Pachycheles sculptus

Petrolisthes lamarckii

Petrolisthes tomentosus

Enosteoides? sp. 1

Enosteoides? sp. 2

Petrolisthes sp. 1

Petrolisthes sp. 3

porcellanid sp. 1

Porcellanidae sp. 2


Emerita sp. 1

Hippa marmorata

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