Amblyeleotris arcupinna Mohlmann & Munday, 1999
Arcfin shrimpgoby, 11cm

This species is common at Kwajalein in certain areas. Most often they are seen near Halimeda algae patches on lagoon sandy flats and slopes at depths of about 6m and deeper. Characters we most often used to identify these are the combination of blue spots on the head and similar sized brown spots along the back, as well as the brown (sometimes edged with blue) arc-shaped band near the outer edge of the first dorsal fin. They also usually have rather indistinct vertical yellow streaks along the sides of the body. Most commonly they seem to be associated with the shrimp Alpheus aff bellulus.

A more distant shot showing its surroundings near a lagoon Halimeda patch.

Acting as lookout for an Alpheus bellulus cleaning out the burrow.

Here the shrimp is pushing a load of sand out of the burrow.

Dumping the sand outside.

Usually a pair of shrimp maintain the burrow.

Sometimes a pair of gobies can be seen at the mouth of a single burrow.

A close-up of the first dorsal, showing the blue edged brown arc-shaped band, along with some other blue and greenish coloration.

This shrimp does not look like Alpheus bellulus, but not enough shows to identify it.

Created 4 January 2016

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