This page links to photos of Pycnogonida (sea spiders) that we photographed in the Marshall Islands. Pycnogonids were observed only haphazardly, so these pages are certain to incompletely cover the fauna of the Marshalls. We typically see these animals under rocks or flush them off marine growth under floating docks. They are all small, most of ours 15mm or less, and consist of a thin body with usually 4 or 5 pairs of long legs. The body is so small, internal organs are partially stored in the upper parts of the legs. On the anterior end is a proboscis used to feed on animals such as anemones and sponges.
Measurements were not taken in the field and animals were not collected, so any sizes given are usually rough eyeball estimates often based on distant memories, and are provided only as a general guideline of what to look for.
We currently have none of them identified; for ID suggestions or corrections, please contact The thumbnails below link to pages with additional, larger photographs.
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