Lembeh Strait Cephalopoda

Cephalopoda we observed in Lembeh Strait includes species of octopus, bobtail squid and cuttlefish. Many species can be difficult to identify, so many of the names we use are tentative, several based on similarities to photos in Humann & DeLoach (2010) or suggestions from iNaturalist users. This page does not include all species of cephalopods found in Lembeh Strait, only those for which we happened to get photos.

The thumbnails below link to pages with additional, larger photographs.


Abdopus aculeatus

Abdopus sp.

Amphioctopus marginatus

Hapalochlaena lunulata

Octopus sp.

Wunderpus photogenicus

SEPIOLIDAE - Bobtail Squid

Euprymna berryi

SEPIIDAE - Cuttlefish

Acanthosepion cf aculeatum

Ascarosepion esculentum

Ascarosepion bandense

Ascarosepion latimanus

Ascarosepion latimanus

Ascarosepion latimanus

Ascarosepion latimanus

Ascarosepion pfefferi

Ascarosepion sp.

Ascarosepion sp.

Ascarosepion sp.

Ascarosepion sp.

Ascarosepion sp.

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