Polycera abei (Baba, 1960)

We have seen these at the River, Kwanji and Cantik Point. Although this is widely figured on the web and in books as Polycera abei, we are somewhat uncertain about the name. The species was originally described from Japan in the genus Greilada by Baba (1960) who wrote "Body limaciform, smooth above (non-tuberculate), no pallial ridge on each side....General body-colour translucent yellowish white, the above with black spots interspersed among the orange ones. Rhinophores and velar papillae black; gills yellowish white with black tips..." Not too far off, but there are some differences that makes one wonder if there may be more than one similar species. It is likely that the one we are calling Polycera cf abei is a variation.

Created 19 February 2015
Updated 16 December 2022

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