Verconia norba (Marcus &
Marcus, 1970)
Verconia norba is found
occasionally at both Enewetak
and Kwajalein Atolls,
and has been photographed at Rongelap
by John
and Lynette Flynn. It lives under dead coral on lagoon interisland and pinnacle
reefs at depths of 3 to 10 meters. 11 specimens measured at Enewetak ranged
from 7 to 14mm in length. We also found a pair of this species with eggs in
the Solomon Islands. Verconia
norba was first reported in the Marshalls from Enewetak Atoll as Thorunna
norba by Johnson
& Boucher (1984).

photo below is a bit fuzzy, but it shows the gills fully extended.

The specimen in the next two photos
was found under a rock on a Kwajalein Atoll lagoon pinnacle at a depth of about
5m on 6 June 2010.

Below is a tiny young juvenile,
and it appears to be comfortably nested into its prey sponge.

The one below was found under a
rock on a Kwajalein Atoll lagoon pinnacle on 5 September 2010.

This 4mm individual was found and
photographed by Stan Jazwinski.

Created 18 December 2005
Updated 7 November 2021
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