Ardeadoris angustolutea (Rudman,
This species is occasionally seen
at Enewetak and Kwajalein
Atolls. They seem to prefer lagoon interisland reefs and pinnacles at depths
of about 4 to 20 meters. While most of them hide under rocks by day, specimens
are sometimes seen exposed on rocks during the day or in ledges at night. One
was on a sponge encrusted piling under Medren Pier at Enewetak. Sixteen measured
specimens ranged from 8 to 25mm in length. Ardeadoris angustolutea
was first reported in the Marshalls from Enewetak Atoll in the original description
as Noumea angustolutea by Rudman

The pair below was found under
a chunk of prickly Porolithon algae on a shallow western lagoon reef
at a depth of about 6m on 20 October 2008. Right in front of the larger one
is a small cephalaspidean Colpodaspis

A tiny juvenile no more than 3mm
in length was photographed by Stan Jazwinski.

Below is a large, 25mm specimen
found at a depth of about 7m in a cave at night on a Kwajalein lagoon reef on
20 June 2009.

A pair over an egg mass.

This unusually yellow individual
was under a rock in about 6m of water on the lagoon side of Ennubuj Island on
11 August 2014.

Created 18 December 2005
Updated 13 April 2018
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