Glossodoris sp. aff cincta (Bergh, 1888)

Glossodoris sp. aff cincta is uncommon in the Marshalls, but we have found specimens at Kwajalein, Enewetak, and Rongelap Atolls. Usually they are under dead coral rocks on lagoon pinnacles at depths of 10 to 15 meters, but occasionally can be seen on lagoon interisland reefs or on the upper flat portion of the atoll's seaward slope. Specimens we've seen measure up to about 50mm in length. As noted by Matsuda & Gosliner (2018), a more precise name cannot at this time be assigned to this species. The type specimens of Glossodoris cincta were collected in Mauritius, and photographs of those show animals slightly different from the Pacific species we have in the Marshalls. However, a new name cannot be given until fresh material from the type locality are collected and examined.

The small specimen in the two photos below was found under a rock on the Kwajalein Atoll seaward reef on 16 May 2010. When found it appeared to be feeding on the yellow sponge in the second photo.

The individual below was found on a lagoon pinnacle just outside Kwajalein harbor on 20 September 2015.

When found the one below appeared to be feeding on the sponge at left. The nudibranch had begun to crawl by the time this photo was taken.

Created 3 January 2006
Updated 3 December 2018

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