coi (Risbec, 1856)
gaudy 30mm chromodorid was found and photographed by Jeremy Owens at a depth
of about 6m right off Kwajalein's Emon Beach, certainly the most heavily dove
area in the atoll. This is the first record of this species from the Marshalls.
Where have these been hiding? Jeremy found the animal in December, 2016, a bit
more than a year after an El Niño that generated a lot of west winds,
opposite our normal northeast tradewinds. Possibly larvae were carried to Kwaj
from farther west. We have seen this species as close as Pohnpei,
several hundred miles west of Kwajalein. The first two shots below show the
animal on the sponge Chelonaplysilla violacea, its apparent
food source.

Two more photos of the same animal
by Stan Jazwinski.

An additional pair of this species
were found and photographed by Carrie West in July, 2018, at the top of the
steep seaward reef slope on the west end of Kwajalein Island. That they were
found in the same area at the same time suggests the presence of a breeding
population at Kwajalein.

Created 20 March 2017
Updated 10 July 2018
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