Discodoris lilacina (Gould, 1852)

Discodoris lilacina is a circumtropical species known under a variety of different names. We found it commonly intertidally in Hawaii, but we do not see it often here, probably because it tends to live in shallower water than we typically dive. It is usually found under rocks on intertidal and shallow subtidal reefs. This species is difficult to tell externally from Sebadoris fragilis, with which it shares some of the same habitats. D. lilacina tends to be smaller, and bears much smaller brown dots on its underside. However, it is not certain that all of the variable specimens below represent the same species. Discodoris lilacina was first reported in the Marshalls from Enewetak Atoll as Discodoris fragilis by Johnson & Boucher (1984). It can often be seen as Tayuva lilacina. The first below was found on 20 July 2015.

This animal was found on 23 September 2012 under a rock on a midlagoon pinnacle. It was small, measuring about 18mm.

This one came from an algae patch on Kwajalein Atoll's lagoon reef.

Another small one found 11 November 2016.

A young specimen from 28 October 2013.

Created 15 December 2006
Updated 25 November 2021

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