We believe these are Elysia tomentosa. Although it is possible more than one species are included in the photos below, it seems equally or perhaps more likely that this is just a highly variable slug. Pictures identified as Elysia tomentosa on the web and in various references show a variety of forms that may or may not all be the same species. At least some of our specimens appear to match Elysia sp. 18 in Gosliner et al (2018). In the Marshalls, it has been found at Kwajalein and Enewetak Atolls. The first one below was found at Kwajalein crawling about on algae covered rocks on the leeward seaward reef.
The specimen below was in Caulerpa on a Kwajalein Atoll seaward reef at 13m on 23 May 2010.
This larger individual appeared in a clump of algae in a holding tank.
This one was on a lagoon reef near Ebwaj Island, Kwajalein Atoll.
This one came out of some algae brought into an aquarium.
The one below was found on a lagoon reef south of Gagan Island in the northern Kwajalein Atoll. Although it and some others below have more frilly white patches similar to what we are calling Elysia sp. e543, I think they could be E. tomentosa.
The next few are from various spots in Kwajalein Atoll.
The next one was on Caulerpa along the lagoon reef between Bigej and Meck Islands, Kwajalein Atoll.
This small specimen found by Jay Lord appears to be a young one but could be a juvenile Elysia sp. e543 instead.
Created 5 February 2007
Updated 11 April 2023