Lyncina ventriculus (Lamarck, 1810)
Ventriculus cowry, 37-68mm
Lyncina ventriculus has
a very limited habitat. Nearly all specimens observed have been on the windward
intertidal reef, out near the outer edge of the reef very near the zone where
the waves break on the algal ridge. The only time living specimens can be observed
is at very low tide during the calm season, when this area is accessible to
reef walking. The animals must have a strong foot to be able to withstand the
force of the waves washing over them under most conditions. During the day,
the shells tend to be wedged into depressions or holes in the reef, but a few
specimens observed at night at Enewetak Atoll indicates that they move around
on the reef flat after dark. At Kwajalein, no large populations have been found,
only a few individuals on the outer reefs of some east reef islands and one
that was in a reef quarry on the east side of Gagan Island. Empty shells often
show up on windward beaches. In some atolls, however, there must be larger populations,
since fairly large numbers of shells come in from the outer islands to the Micronesian
Handicraft Shop on Kwajalein. This species range includes many Pacific Islands
of Polynesia, Melanesia, and Micronesia. The subspecies in the Marshall Islands
is Lyncina ventriculus ventriculus.
These are shy animals. It is hard
to wait long enough to see the mantle extend from the shell.

45.0mm, 5 June 1992

54.6mm, 1 July 2009
1 April 2008
Updated 24 February 2020
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