Prosimnia draconis Cate, 1973

This species is known in the Marshalls from a living specimen photographed by Stan Jazwinski on a lagoon pinnacle reef at night, two empty shells collected in a sand sample from Kwajalein Atoll's seaward slope, and another spotted on a photo of a seaward reef gorgonian during photo processing. The species is known to feed on Melithaea, and our living Kwajalein specimens were both on members of that gorgonian genus.

The gorgonian host and prey.

The small pink specimen is near the base of the Melithaea colony in the center of the photo.

The specimen below from the deep seaward reef is included in Lorenz & Fehse (2009) as number 8 on plate 65.

Created 14 December 2009
Updated 3 April 2024

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