Conomurex luhuanus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Blood mouth conch, 58mm

Conomurex luhuanus are abundant within Marshall Islands lagoons, but are rarely found on the seaward reefs. Specimens can be found in large numbers on many shallow sand and rubble lagoon interisland reefs as well as on pinnacles at depths from about 1 to at least 16m. Most specimens have an orange-red aperture, hence the common name. A few, however have apertures either yellow or pure white.

Both orange and white aperture specimens are shown below.

Closer shot of a relatively clean-shelled individual.

The underside shows the orange red aperture.

A pair of algae and sand encrusted individuals with an egg mass, mixed in with that clump of sand in front of the two shells.

Like other Strombidae, it has a long proboscis for feeding on algae.

In the fall of 2014 there were large numbers of juveniles, mostly about the same size, on many Kwajalein lagoon reefs. There must have been a good settling shortly before.

Like some of the other strombs (e.g., Gibberulus dekkersi), this species sometimes aggregates in fairly large numbers.

Created 1 October 2009
Updated 4 December 2020

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