Luzonichthys sp.

At least one species of Luzonichthys has been observed at Kwajalein. They are colored just like females of Pseudanthias bartlettorum, and intermingle with a large mixed school of P. bartlettorum and P. dispar. You have to watch carefully, but you can see them usually in small groups swimming through the Pseudanthias school. Luzonichthys tends to have a little less height for their length, making them a slightly more tubular fish than the female Pseudanthias that they resemble. So far the only place we have seen them at Kwajalein is on one seaward reef bluff off the west end of Kwajalein Island, although we have also seen them at the north tip of Namu Atoll, about 56km south of Kwajalein. We appear to not have any of these photographed.

Created 30 November 2010
Updated 10 May 2014

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