Ancylomenes sp. 1

This Ancylomenes is common at Kwajalein and associates with a number of sea anemones, including Cryptodendrum adhaesivum, Heteractis aurora, H. doreensis, Radianthus magnifica, Actinodendron arboreum, A. alcyonoideum, Heterodactyla hemprichii and Stichodactyla haddoni. A particular anemone may host numerous specimens of the shrimp, which may rest on the anemone's tentacles or hover above it. This one is similar to what we are calling Ancylomenes sarasvati and we have also seen this figured as Ancylomenes tosaensis. The ID needs confirmation.

This one is on Heteractis doreensis, the corkscrew anemone.

On Stichodactyla haddoni.

On Actinodendron plumosum.

This one appears to be on Radianthus magnifica.

The one below was on a colony of Goniopora coral.

Created 3 July 2018
Updated 11 December 2024

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