This soft blue to purple sponge is common under rocks and in patches of Halimeda algae on lagoon and seaward reefs. It is the favorite prey of a number of nudibranch species, especially some in the genus Hypselodoris. Dysidea fragilis was originally described from the Atlantic and it is possible the Indo-Pacific version is a separate species. Also, there may be multiple species figured below. The first one in particular could be Euryspongia deliculata.
This sponge may be the sole food for Hypselodoris whitei.
Hypselodoris decorata also preys on this sponge, as does the closely related H. maculosa.
Ceratosoma tenue has also been found feeding on what appears to be Dysidea fragilis.
Chromodoris colemani will also eat what appears to be the same sponge.
Created 1 June 2019
Updated 17 March 2024