Marshall Islands Sponges (Porifera)

This page links to photos of marine sponges (Phylum Porifera) we have seen around Kwajalein and other atolls in the Marshall Islands. Sponges are abundant, growing on the bottom but also on man-made structures such pier pilings, buoys, mooring lines and boat hulls. They are filter feeders, usually drawing water in through many small holes called ostia, filtering that water for planktonic food, collecting that water in central cavities and pumping it back out through larger holes called oscula. Species can be thick and massive or thin, encrusting the surfaces they are on. Many, perhaps most are sensitive to sunlight and grow in areas with subdued light or that are dark, such as in shaded ledges and caves or under rocks. The photos below show only a sampling of the marine sponges in the Marshalls. We did not attempt to photograph most of the sponges. In many cases, the photos we did get were taken in the old film days, when cameras were largely restricted to 36 exposures per roll of film. Usually we would save two or three frames at the end of the roll until the very end of the dive, since you could be sure that once you used up all your film, you'd see something you absolutely HAD to get a photo of. So quite often, with air running out, we'd have to quickly take those last few shots of just about anything to keep from wasting film. So that was how we got many of our sponge, tunicate or coral photos. With the exception of a few well known species, sponges are quite difficult to identify, with variable shapes and colors that often make one species look like several. Our names came from several references, some books and some websites (e.g., iNaturalist), but because of the variability, our specimens usually do not exactly match those from the references. Most of these IDs must be considered tentative, but we thought it worthwhile to at least make the images available.

Agelas ceylonica

Amphimedon queenslandica

Aplysilla sulfurea

Aplysilla sulfurea

Aplysinella rhax

Aplysinella rhax

Aplysilla? sp. 1

Astrosclera willeyana

Atergia sp. 1

Axinella proliferans

Batzella rubra

Batzella cf rubra

Batzella sp. 1

Callyspongia aerizusa

Callyspongia flammea

Callyspongia cf joubini [1]

cf joubini [2]

cf joubini [3]

Callyspongia sp. 2

Callyspongia sp. 5

Callyspongia sp. 6

Ceratopsion sp. 1

Chalinula nematifera

Chalinula velinea

Chelonaplysilla violacea

Chelonaplysilla aurea

Chelonaplysilla sp. 2

Chelonaplysilla sp. 3

Chondrilla sp. 1

Chondrosia corticata

Clathria menoui

Clathria sp. 1

Clathria sp. 2

Coscinoderma mathewsi

Coscinoderma mathewsi

Craniella abracadabra

Crella cyathophora

Crella papillata

Crella papillata

Crella cf papillata

Dactylospongia elegans

Dactylospongia elegans

Dercitus simplex

Diplastrella gardineri

Dysidea cf arenaria

Dysidea fragilis

Dysidea cf granulosa

Dysidea sp. 1

Dysidea sp. 2

Dysidea sp. 3

Dysidea sp. 4

Dysidea sp. 6

Dysidea sp. 8

Dysidea sp. 9

Echinochalina intermedia

Echinochalina sp. 1

Echinochalina sp. 2

Ecionemia acervus

Euryspongia delicatula

Gelliodes sp. 1

Haliclona cf fascigera

Haliclona cf fascigera

Haliclona cf fascigera

Haliclona cf fascigera

Haliclona cf fascigera

Haliclona cf osiris

Haliclona peixinhoae

Homosclerophorida sp. 1

Homosclerophorida sp. 2

Hymedesmia sp. 1

Hyrtios erectus

Ianthella basta

Ircinia ramosa

Ircinia sp. 1

Liosina cf paradoxa

Melophlus sarasinorum

Monanchora clathrata

Mycale cecilia

Mycale sp. 1

Mycale sp. 2

Neoernsta citrea

Neopetrosia cf carbonaria

Niphates olemda

Oceanapia sagittaria

Oceanapia? sp. 1

Paratetilla cf bacca

Plakina sp. 1

Plakinidae sp. 1

Prosuberites conulosus

Pseudoceratina purpurea

Reniochalina sp. 1

Scopalina hapalia

Scopalina cf hapalia [1]

Scopalina cf hapalia [2]

Semitaspongia sp. 1

Siphonodictyon coralliophagum

Spheciospongia vagabunda

Spheciospongia cf vagabunda [1]

Spheciospongia cf vagabunda [2]

Spongia oceania

Spongia sp. 1

Terpios aploos

Tethya sp. 1

Tethya sp. 2

Tethya sp. 3

Vaceletia crypta

Xestospongia sp. 1

Xestospongia sp. 2

Zyzzya sp. 1

Sponge black sp. 3

Sponge black sp. 4

Sponge black wire

Sponge brown sp. 1

Sponge brown sp. 2

Sponge brown sp. 3

Sponge brown sp. 4

Sponge brown sp. 5

Sponge, cream sp. 2

Sponge purple network

Sponge yellow network

Sponge, thin brown

Sponge encrusting coral

Sponge pink encrusting coral

Sponge cream encrusting sp. 1

Sponge cream encrusting sp. 2

Sponge encrusting orange

Sponge encrusting pink

Sponge encrusting pink

Sponge encrusting purple

Sponge encrusting red sp. 1

Sponge encrusting red sp. 2

Sponge encrusting red sp. 3

Sponge encrusting white sp. 2

Sponge encrusting yellow

Sponge encrusting turquiose

Sponge fringed

Sponge gray

Sponge gray sp. 2

Sponge orange sp. 1

Sponge orange sp. 3

Sponge orange sp. 5

Sponge orange sp. 7

Sponge orange sp. 8

Sponge pink

Sponge red-brown

Sponge red sp. 4

Sponge red sp. 5

Sponge red sp. 6

Sponge tan

Sponge vase brown

Sponge whip

Sponge gray whip

Sponge white sp. 1

Sponge white sp. 2

Sponge white sp. 4

Sponge white sp. 5

Sponge white sp. 6

Sponge yellow sp. 2

Sponge yellow sp. 3

Sponge yellow sp. 4

Sponge yellow sp. 6

The thumbnails below link to pages with additional, larger photographs.



Anamixilla torresi

Clathrina sp. 1

Clathrina sp. 2

Leucetta chagosensis

Leucetta microraphis

Leucetta microraphis
Leucetta pyriformis

Leucetta cf solida

Nicola tetela

Sycettusa sp. 1

Sponge calcareous sp. 1

Sponge calcareous sp. 5

Major references used:

Colin & Arneson (1995)
Gosliner et al (1996)
Hoover (1999)
Marine Biodiversity Survey of Guam and the Marianas - Porifera

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