Marshall Islands Fishes
This page presents fishes we or our contributors have photographed in the Marshall Islands, mostly at Kwajalein but some at other atolls including Enewetak, Bikini, Rongelap, Utirik, Ujelang, Namu, Majuro and a few others. Click the thumbnail to proceed to a thumbnail menu for members of that group. Unless otherwise noted, sizes given in the heading on each page are maximum sizes for the species listed in Fishbase, not necessarily the size of the figured specimen. For invertebrates, go to the Marshall Islands Invert menu, or for more general scenic underwater photos of coral reefs, see the Scenery pages. More groups will be added as time permits. Recent updates to these pages are listed here.
Many thanks to Robert Myers and Dr. John Randall for helping to identify some of our problem fish. I also used a number of books and websites, so any errors are sure to be mine.
All photos are protected by copyright. Please contact for more information on purchase, use, or redistribution of any photos.