Marshall Islands Filefish (Monacanthidae)

Filefish are similar in construction to the triggerfish, although along with a few other differences the first dorsal spine tends to be more slender and elongate. In addition to the species figured on these pages, there are several more known from the Marshalls. While we have seen (but not photographed) a couple of the others, a couple more appear to be rare in the Marshalls and at least one is known here only from a couple of juveniles trawled from a deep sandy lagoon bottom. Unless otherwise noted, sizes given are maximum sizes for the species listed in Fishbase, not necessarily the size of the figured specimen.

Aluterus monoceros

Aluterus monoceros

Aluterus scriptus

Amanses scopas

Brachaluteres taylori

Cantherhines dumerilii

Cantherhines pardalis

Cantherhines? sp.

juvenile filefish

Oxymonacanthus longirostris

Paraluteres prionurus

Pervagor alterans

Pervagor melanocephalus

Other filefish that have been reported from the Marshall Islands include (links to Fishbase):

Cantherhines fronticinctus
Paramonacanthus cryptodon
Paramonacanthus japonicus
Pervagor aspricaudus

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