Cryptodendrum adhaesivum Klunzinger, 1877

We call Cryptodendrum adhaesivum the "sticky sucker" anemone, since its tentacles are sticky to the touch and it tends to quickly suck back into a hole when disturbed. These are quite variable in color; the samples below show only a few of the variations. We have never seen these inhabited by any anemonefish here in the Marshalls, but the Field Guide to Anemonefishes and their Host Sea Anemones by Fautin & Allen (1992) indicates that Amphiprion clarkii is a potential inhabitant, and we have seen them in C. adhaesivum at Bali. A. clarkii has never been reported from the Marshalls. These anemones do, however, often have commensal Neopetrolisthes crabs and Ancylocaris and other shrimp.

An Ancylocaris brevicarpalis shrimp is visible on the edge of this anemone near the bottom of the frame.

Most of these anemones bleached out during the bleaching events in 2009, 2013, 2014 and 2016. While many recovered, there were some familiar individuals missing afterwards.

Created 1 September 2010
Updated 16 March 2017

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