Ancylocaris brevicarpalis (Schenkel, 1902)

We see this shrimp most often on the anemones Cryptodendrum adhaesivum, Stichodactyla haddoni, Actinodendron arboreum, and A. alcyonoideum, although it can also occur on Heteractis doreensis, Stichodactyla mertensii, Heterodactyla hemprichii, and probably others. Generally a large female, often bearing eggs, and a smaller (or at least thinner) male inhabit a single anemone. The pair immediately below is in a Stichodactyla haddoni.

The egg-bearing female below is on an Actinodendron alcyonoideum fire anemone. These anemones pack quite a sting, but it doesn't seem to bother the shrimp.

Below, the shrimp lives in a Heteractis doreensis.

Created 1 September 2010
Updated 11 December 2024

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