Anilao, Philippines, Shrimp

This page links to shrimp we have photographed on several dive trips to the Anilao area of Batangas, Philippines. This is by no means complete coverage of Philippine shrimp. We did not specifically seek out shrimp, but simply photographed those we ran across if it was convenient. We have made a few guesses on genera and families of some of our unknowns, but no doubt there are many errors and the names should not be taken as certain. We welcome corrections at

Measurements were rarely taken in the field and animals were not collected, so any sizes given are usually very rough eyeball estimates often based on distant memories, and are provided only as a general guideline of what to look for. Estimated lengths include the body from head to tail, but generally not the anterior appendages.

The thumbnails below link to pages with more photos and information on that species.

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Alpheus sp. 1

Athanas sp. 1

Synalpheus cf demani

Synalpheus neomeris


Caprellid spp.


Miropandalus hardingi

Miropandalus hardingi


Philocheras sp. 1


Gelastocaris paronai

Phycocaris simulans

Phycocaris simulans

Saron marmoratus

Saron marmoratus

Saron cf marmoratus

Saron sp. 1

Saron sp. 2

Tozeuma armatum

Tozeuma lanceolatum


Lysmatella prima


Allopontonia brockii

Ancylomenes luteomaculatus

Ancylomenes magnificus

Ancylomenes sarasvati

Ancylomenes tenuirostris

Ancylomenes venustus

Ancylomenes sp. 1

Ancylomenes sp. 2

Cuapetes kororensis

Cuapetes tenuipes

Cuapetes sp. 1

Cuapetes sp. 2

Cuapetes sp. 3

Dasycaris ceratops

Dasycaris zanzibarica

Gnathophylloides mineri

Gnathophyllum americanum

Hamodactylus boschmai

Hamopontonia fungicola

Hymenocera picta

Izucaris masudai

Laomenes amboinensis

Laomenes cf amboinensis

Laomenes cf amboinensis

Laomenes pardus

Laomenes cf pardus

Laomenes sp. 1

Laomenes sp. 2

Leander plumosus

Leander tenuicornis

Manipontonia psamathe

Palaemonella philippinensis

Periclimenes affinis

Periclimenes colemani

Periclimenes sp. 1

Phyllognathia ceratophthalma

Phyllognathia simplex

Pliopontonia furtiva

Pontonides ankeri

Rapipontonia galene

Rapipontonia paragalene

Thaumastocaris streptopus

Tuleariocaris neglecta

Tuleariocaris zanzibarica

Urocaridella antonbruunii

Urocaridella sp. 1

Zenopontonia rex

Zenopontonia rex

Zenopontonia rex

Zenopontonia soror

Zenopontonia soror


Metapenaeopsis lamellata

Metapenaeopsis cf lamellata

Metapenaeopsis sp. 1

Metapenaeopsis sp. 2

Metapenaeopsis sp. 3

Metapenaeus sp. 1

Metapenaeus? sp. 2


Hayashidonus japonicus

Nikoides danae

Nikoides maldivensis

Nikoides sibogae

Processidae sp. 2

Processidae sp. 3


Cinetorhynchus hendersoni

Cinetorhynchus reticulatus

Cinetorhynchus cf reticulatus

Cinetorhynchus sp. 2

Rhynchocinetes conspiciocellus

Rhynchocinetes durbanensis


Santia sp.


Sicyonia cf bispinosa

Sicyonia lancifer


Stenopus hispidus

Stenopus tenuirostris


Thor amboinensis

Order Mysida

Mysida sp. 1

We thank the knowledgeable people in the Facebook Crustacean Identification Group for suggestions on several of these species. Most IDs, however, including no doubt any errors, were made by us using various published and web references.

Primary print references used for identification:

Colin & Arneson (1995)
Debelius (1999)
Gosliner et al (1996)
Hoover (1999)
Humann & DeLoach (2010)
Ryanskiy (2020)

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