Hawaiian Shrimp

This page links to shrimp we have photographed in the Hawaiian Islands. This is by no means complete coverage of Hawaiian shrimp. The photos were all taken in the late 1970s and early 1980s using an old Nikonos camera with slide film. Usually we tried to save most of our limited film for nudibranchs and sea slugs, and other subjects were often passed by. We have made a few guesses on genera and families of some of our unknowns, but no doubt there are errors and the names should not be taken as certain. We welcome corrections at uwkwaj@yahoo.com.

Measurements were rarely taken in the field and animals were not collected, so any sizes given are usually very rough eyeball estimates often based on distant memories, and are provided only as a general guideline of what to look for. Estimated lengths include the body from head to tail, but generally not the anterior appendages.

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Alpheus cf diadema

Alpheus cf pacificus

Alpheus sp. 1


Axiopsis serratifrons


Parhippolyte misticia


Corallianassa borradailei

Corallianassa coutierei


Saron marmoratus


Lysmata amboinensis


Gnathophyllum precipuum

Hymenocera picta

Palaemon pacificus

Urocaridella antonbruunii

Zenopontonia rex

Zenopontonia rex


Cinetorhynchus hendersoni

Rhynchocinetes rathbunae


Stenopus earlei

Stenopus hispidus

Stenopus prysonotus

Family uncertain

Shrimp sp. 1

Shrimp sp. 2

Primary print references used for identification:

Colin & Arneson (1995)
Debelius (1999)
Gosliner et al (1996)
Hoover (1999)
Humann & DeLoach (2010)
Ryanskiy (2020)

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All photos are protected by copyright. Please contact uwkwaj@yahoo.com for more information on purchase, use, or redistribution of any photos.