Kwaj Invertebrates
This page presents various invertebrate animals we or our contributors have photographed in the Marshall Islands, mostly at Kwajalein but some at other atolls including Enewetak, Bikini, Rongelap, Utirik, Ujelang, Majuro, Namu and others. Click the thumbnail to proceed to a thumbnail menu for members of that group. For fish, go to the Kwaj Fishes menu, or for more general scenic underwater photos of coral reefs, see the Scenery pages. More groups will be added as time permits. Recent updates to these pages are listed here.
Foraminifera |
Sponges |
Jellyfish |
Hydrocorals |
Hydroids |
Anemones |
Reef building corals (in process) |
Soft corals (Alcyonacea) |
Flatworms |
Ribbon Worms |
Polychaetes |
Marine Leeches and Flukes |
Sipunculans (Peanut Worms) |
Phoronids (Horseshoe Worms) |
Brachiopods |
Bryozoans |
Entoprocts |
Nudibranchs and Sea slugs |
Living Seashells |
Clams (bivalves) |
Lobsters and their relatives |
Mantis shrimp |
Shrimp |
Amphipods & Isopods |
Brittlestars |
Sea Cucumbers |
Seastars |
Acorn Worms |
Tunicates |
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