Verconia simplex (Pease, 1871)
Verconia simplex was sporadically
very common at Enewetak
Atoll and several specimens have been found at Kwajalein.
Most specimens were observed on lagoon interisland reefs under dead coral or
aluminum debris blown into the water after typhoon Pamela in 1982. Fifteen measured
animals ranged from 5 to 13mm in length. Similar to V.
decussata, V. simplex externally differs in that the rhinophore
and gill coloration is restricted to the tips, while in V. decussata
most of the rhinophore is red and there is red veining on the inner surface
of the gills. The one below has an unusually large number of orange dots on
its body. Verconia simplex was first reported in the Marshalls from
Enewetak Atoll as Hypselodoris kayae by Young
The animals are usually found on
their prey pink sponge. Color of the body varies from white to pink and there
is a usually interrupted orange-red margin to the body.
photo below shows how the body color can vary. Here four cluster together to
munch on the pink sponge.
Burrowing through the food: a glutton's
The spiral at left is an egg mass.

The specimen below certainly looks
like N. simplex, but it was eating a yellow sponge, which is very unusual
for this species. Possibly the identification is not correct.

These two individuals are polishing
off the last of a small colony of pink sponge.

Another burrowing into its prey

Created 19 December 2005
Updated 22 July 2020
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