Verconia decussata (Risbec, 1928)
Verconia decussata
was relatively common at Enewetak
Atoll and is occasionally found at Kwajalein.
Just how common is hard to tell, because for some time I was mistakenly considering
these to be the same as another species, Verconia
simplex. Finally I started noticing that specimens with a certain pattern
of color were always on this yellow sponge, while the other consistent pattern
was always on a pink sponge. A closer look at the patterns and anatomy revealed
them to be different species. The easiest way to distinguish V. decussata
from V. simplex is that in the former, most of the rhinophore is red
and the gill has red edging on the inner surfaces of the branches while just
the tips of both are red in the latter. Twenty-four specimens measured after
I finally got them straightened out ranged from 6 to 18mm in length, and they
were nearly always under dead coral and aluminum storm debris on lagoon interisland
reefs at depths of 3 to 5 meters.
Verconia decussata was first reported in the Marshalls from Enewetak
and Kwajalein Atolls as Thorunna decussata by Johnson
& Boucher (1984).

Burrowing through its prey sponge.

Three individuals clustered on
a tiny patch of yellow sponge. They'll soon have to find some more food.

This species usually shows a midlateral
bulge in the body. That's this specimen's egg mass over to the right.

Created 18 December 2005
Updated 3 February 2016
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