Chromodoris sp e235
This small undescribed species
of Chromodoris is somewhat rare in the Marshalls.
We have seen about a dozen specimens, all of them while night diving on lagoon
pinnacles or on Kwajalein's seaward reef. We think the same species lives in
Hawaii, although Hawaiian specimens
are nearly all white with little of the light orange tint and orange speckles
seen in the first couple of photos below. I do not have a photo for confirmation,
but according to my notes this species produces the flat egg masses of Chromodoris
rather than flowery ones with extra-capsular yolk as in Goniobranchus.

The more recent Kwajalein specimen
directly below more close resembles the Hawaiian one.

Another was found at night on the
western Kwajalein Atoll seaward reef on 30 December 2016.

Created 16 December 2005
Updated 18 March 2021
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