Mauritia maculifera (Schilder, 1932)
cowry, 40-74mm
Mauritia maculifera is
a common species that prefers intertidal and shallow subtidal reefs, where it
usually lives in reef depressions or under large rocks. They are common on shallow
seaward reefs, where they are often exposed to strong surge from crashing surf.
They also live in along quieter rocky shores, such as the manmade riprap along
the lagoon side of Kwajalein’s eastern half. It is not difficult to see
numerous living animals out at night grazing on the rocks above the waterline
at low tide. Specimens can be found under rocks and in depressions on the seaward
reefs to depths of at least 4m. This species resembles both Mauritia
eglantina and M.
arabica, but the dorsal coloration of those two species is composed
of fine but distinct longitudinal lines. The dorsal color pattern of Mauritia
maculifera is more like that of both Mauritia
scurra and M.
depressa, which are distinctly spotted with mostly solid brown between
the spots. Mauritia depressa tends to be smaller
and more flattened (depressed?), while M. scurra is distinctly cylindrical
in shape rather than oval. Mauritia maculifera differs from
all four of these similarly colored species in the presence of a dark blotch
(in fully grown shells) on the columellar side of the base. Mauritia maculifera
is a Pacific species, ranging from western Polynesia and Hawaii to Fiji and
through Micronesia to the Philippines. The subspecies in the Marshall Islands
is Mauritia maculifera maculifera. A photo showing the mantle can be
seen on a Hawaiian
Two specimens guard an egg mass
on an overturned rock out of the water at low tide.
The next few shots were three individuals seen under rocks in the low intertidal.

48.1mm, 1972
1 April 2008
Updated 25 February 2020
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