Centropyge loriculus (Günther, 1874)
Flame angelfish, 15cm

Its bright red color makes this species one of the most striking of the angels. It is common on seaward reefs, usually right at the knee of the drop at depths from about 5 to 16m. It tends not to range too far back on the shallow top reef flat back towards the intertidal, and generally extends only a short ways down the drop, only occasionally crossing into the zone inhabited by Centropyge multicolor. Centropyge flavissima generally shares the C. loriculus zone at the knee of the drop, and out on the reef the two species seem to coexist peacefully. Centropyge loriculus is also sometimes found on lagoon pinnacles, also usually right around where the flat top drops away down the side to the lagoon bottom.

Created 16 September 2010

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