Thor amboinensis (Man, 1888)

We see this shrimp most often near the anemones Stichodactyla haddoni, Cryptodendrum adhaesivum, Actinodendron arboreum, and A. alcyonoideum, although it can also occur around Stichodactyla mertensii, Heteractis aurora, Heteractis doreensis, Heterodactyla hemprichii, and probably others. Most often they are found in groups of a half dozen or more. All the photos below show it around S.haddoni. It is usually seen around the periphery of the anemone rather than actually in the tentacles, although it appears they can go on the anemone without harm.We call these popcorn shrimp, because at rest they usually continually pop their tails up, then slowly bring them down again.

Other shrimp living in anemones include Ancylocaris brevicarpalis, Ancylomenes sp. 1 and Gnathophyllum americanum.

Created 1 September 2010
Updated 11 December 2024

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