Verconia sp. e233
not sure on the identity of this one. The pattern of coloration on the rhinophores
and gills appears to closely resemble Noumea
hongkongiensis on the Sea Slug Forum, although that species appears
to not have the occasional red dorsal spots and no mention is made of intermittent
edging of the mantle with red. Verconia hongkongensis in Gosliner
et al (2018) has gills that are completely red. It is also similar to Verconia
decussata and V.
simplex, but differs in habitat, food, shape and in the way the rhinophores
and gills are colored. It may be something completely different. The 10 specimens
we've seen were all on Enewetak
Atoll lagoon pinnacles, under dead coral at a depth of about 10 meters. The
largest was about 11mm long.

This one is nestled in and appears
to be eating some brownish sponge under a bryozoan. The sponge prey also suggests
it is neither V. decussata nor V. simplex.

Created 18 December 2005
Updated 4 October 2024
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