verrieri (Crosse, 1875)
verrieri bears a superficial resemblance to G.
preciosus, but it does not have a thin white or bluish white edge to
the mantle. There is still some question about the identification, discussed
further under Goniobranchus albonares.
We have seen these at Enewetak
and Kwajalein Atolls,
typically under dead coral rocks on shallow interisland reefs at depths of 2
to 5 meters but occasionally in Halimeda patches to about 30m. They
are small, usually less than 10mm. They also typically live on shallow subtidal
reefs in Hawaii, where the
specimens we have seen look more like what we are here calling Goniobranchus

Feeding on the sponge Chelonaplysilla violacea.

The next two photos show a specimen
from Majuro Atoll found
by Ken Cone and Beth Van Zummeren.

Closeup of the rhinophores.

Created 27 May 2013
Updated 27 June 2021
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